Mond Education
At MOND dental practices, we strongly believe in encouraging the professional development of dentists and practice staff. So with that vision in mind, we are happy to make our expertise and advice available to everyone, whether or not they based within the MOND Group.
Sharing expertise and advice
We offer our courses in various formats, collaborating with various partners under the umbrella name MOND Education. Please see below what we can offer MOND dentists, practice staff and external interested parties. We believe that this is how we build a new standard of oral health care together.
MOND Academy
In collaboration with our practice MOND DCC, we organise accredited, clinical training for our dentists and dental specialists. These take place at the training centre based at our practice in Stekene.
Our partnerships
If you would like to register for one of the Invisalign Go courses or learn more about the discount that has been negotiated, please contact For specific questions about Invisalign Go, please contact Cedric Devloo directly at
Take a look at the training courses and events that are part of neDwork, the community of dental professionals. Check the calendar or learn more by visiting the website. If you have any questions about using the discount yourself, please email
Are you interested in taking an online course from Intercongress, the international dental education platform? Then send an email for more information about the available discount to and visit the website for more information.
Questions or suggestions?
Do you have any questions about our courses or suggestions for how we can make MOND Education even better? Simply let us know and we will see what we can do.